Jan Pomianowski, educated painter, born and living in Poland. Rather artist than designer. Since more than 20 years makes one-off silver jewelry. The contemporary simplicity is not his preferred form of expression. Variety of shapes and colors, multiplicity of different stones - o yeah! - he prefers to explore this way.
Brooch-pendant. Silver 925 partially gold plated, Baltic amber.
Brooch-pendant. Silver 925 partially gold plated, Baltic amber.
Brooch-pendant. Silver 925 partially gold plated, Baltic amber.
Brooch-pendant. Silver 925, Baltic amber.
Brooch-pendant. Silver 925, Baltic amber.
Brooch-pendant. Silver 925 partially gold plated, baltic amber, moonstone, pras, peridot, citrine.
Brooch-pendant. Silver 925 partially gold plated, baltic amber, moonstone, pras, peridot, citrine.
Brooch-pendant. Silver 925 partially gold plated, baltic amber…
Brooch-pendant. Silver 925 partially gold plated, baltic amber…
Ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, moonstone.
Ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, moonstone.
Ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, moonstone.
Ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, moonstone.
Detail of a ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, larimar.
Detail of a ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, larimar.
Ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, Baltic amber.
Ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, Baltic amber.
Ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, rubies
Ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, rubies
Ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, Mexican opal.
Ring. Silver 925 partially gold plated, Mexican opal.
Ring. Silver 925, moonstone, Mexican opal.
Ring. Silver 925, moonstone, Mexican opal.
Brooch-pendant. Silver 925, moonstone, prehnite, amethyst, olivin, citrine

Brooch-pendant. Silver 925, moonstone, prehnite, amethyst, olivin, citrine

Brooch-pendant. Silver 925 partially gold plated, moonstone

Brooch-pendant. Silver 925 partially gold plated, moonstone

Brooch-pendant and pendant. Silver 925, moonstone, prehnite, amethyst, olivine, citrine

Brooch-pendant. Silver 925, pink quartz, synthetic rubies

Brooch-pendant. Silver 925, pink quartz, synthetic rubies

Brooch-pendant. Silver 925, pink quartz, synthetic rubies