My 99% isopropyl alcohol arrived earlier this week and I have been
trying it as a carrier for boric acid in fire coat solution. In my
opinion it is not an acceptable substitute for denatured or pure
ethyl alcohol. It will hardly dissolve any boric acid into solution
so it leaves a virtually non exsistant coating of boric acid on the
work resulting in excessive oxidation of the work.
My recommendation is to stick with denatured or pure ethyl alcohol
for use in fire coat solutions.
James Binnion @James_Binnion
James Binnion Metal Arts
My 99% isopropyl alcohol not an acceptable substitute for
denatured or pure ethyl alcohol. It will hardly dissolve any boric
acid into solution
Thanks for that post… I’ve been following the thread with
interest and was eyeing up the 99% isopropyl at work. If you say it
doesn’t work then that’s good enough for me.
If you need Methylated Spirits, a.k.a. pure “Ethyl Alcohol” you can
buy gallons of it at “Home Depot” in the paint department. No longer
can you buy this stuff at drug stores. I remember years ago you had
to sign your name when purchasing this liquid on a purchase order. I
find that the 99% isopropyl alcohol leaves a carbon residue when
being used in an bench-type alcohol burner.