Introducing - Thom Lane


Mark Liccini suggested I subscribe to your list. I am a lapidary
cutting mostly agate and jasper, also lapis, tourmaline, opal,
jade, etc. I primarily custom cut for jewelers and love to work
over the net. My site is


so please drop by for a visit. I am actively involved in
gemstone mining, sell specimens to collectors, cabbing rough,
collector cabs. I sell each year at the tent at the Pueblo Inn
during the Tucson show. I am interested in working with creative
jewelers who want customized cutting services. I send cabs on
memo to qualified buyers. I am good about answering questions on
lapidary and related subjects and am willing to share
Please give me any or suggestions about
getting in touch with interested folks! Many thanks, Thom See the
finest morrisonite jasper collection in captivity at my site. It
will be shown at my booth in Tucson next February. Thom