Introducing - Sheila M. Cagle

Sheila M. Cagle
Katrina’s Stones at the Moment
Spring, TX. USA,


I’m an expatriot Scot who has lived in Texas for more years than I
care to remember. My interest in rocks and stones began when I took a
class on Geology when I was working toward my M.A. in Rhetoric and

Over the years, I have bought/collected numerous beautiful cabochons
which were cut and polished by some of the finest lapidaries in the
U.S. and overseas. One day, I decided that these fabulous examples of
Nature’s art deserved to become accessible to others, so I taught
myself to use 14kg/f wire to created unique settings to make my
stones into wearable works of art.

It took time, effort, lots of wasted wire, and money, but I
eventually realized that the best way for me to design the right
setting for any stone was to let the stone “guide” me as I worked. I
love rare, unique and unusual stones, and work with many different
kinds of Jasper, Agate, Charoite, Seraphinite, Tiffany Stone, to name
but a few.

I started off my web experience by opening a “shop” on
I did sell several pieces, but RL’s prime area of interest is
antiques, and so I eventually decided to open my own website. I hope
you will take a look at it when you have a moment, and any
suggestions you may have will be greatly appreciated.

Sheila Cagle
Katrina’s Stones at the Moment


I, too, thoroughly appreciate working with “Beautiful Cabochons”,
essentially setting in sterling pendants., large and small. Jasper,
agate chrysoprase are examples of my preferences…others, of
course, depending on cost. In addition to pendants, I craft
earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, pins, cuff links, money clips,
etc., etc.

If you are comfortable in either selling cabochons of the above, or
can direct me to prime trustworthy, wholesale sources, I would be
most appreciative.

In retirement, at age 83 yrs., working at my bench, and being able to
readily sell my designs in four upscale sites, keeps be active,
alert… and anxious to start the next project! All of the above, I
am certain that we share with many fellow Orchidians…

Thank you for your response, if you are comfortable in complying.

Best wishes,
Paul Hartstein…Long Beach, California