Introducing - Patty Rios

Name: Patty Rios
Email: @br105
Address: 3317 s. benton springfield, mo 65807

Hello, I am Springfield’s only lady trade shop owner and operator
(that I know of) Our little town is very competitive so I don’t
get alot of contact with other craftsmen/craftswomen. I am GIA
trained thru colored stone ident, a very good setter and
creative goldsmith. Are there other women trying to prove a point
in this business? Let’s trade tales and maybe help each other
out! (I’m new at this computer thing)

Name: Patty Rios
Email: @br105

Hello, My name is Patty and I own a wholesale to the trade shop in
MO . I sit for free in an up and coming chain store and have 3
other accounts which keep me and my assistant occupied most of the
day. I subscribed a couple of weeks ago and dropped because of the
volume of material I recieved every day. I’m new to the computer
and felt overwhelmed at the time but I have since progressed and am
ready to get back with you all. I hope you will welcome my input.