Introducing - Pat Frese

Name: Pat Frese
Email: @pfrese
Address: Dauphin Pennsylvania

metalsmith, sculptor/jeweler, teacher (and mom) living in the
mountains of central Pennsylvania. My work is primarily wearable
but I’ve been known to get carried away and make bigger pieces. I
teach at the local community college and wil soon teach high
school students as well through the Magnet School program.

Name: Pat Frese
Email: @pfrese
Address: 1135 Victor Drive Dauphin, Pa. 17018 USA

I teach jewelry and meatalsmithing at our community college.
Other than that, I do commission work and am a stay-at-home more
or less mom with two sons, 11 amd 10,one dog, two cats-well, you
get the picture. I am particulary interested in chasing,
enameling and making liturgical objects.