Introducing - Michael David Sturlin

Dear Orchidians,

When I first became involved with Orchid this past January, I didn’t
realize that one should introduce themself to the rest of the group.
Thus far I haven’t done that, and I would like to take the opportunity
to do so at this time.

Rather than subject all of the subscribers to an introduction, I
would prefer to simply list a link for those who might be interested
to take a look. Please go to
Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos which will take you
directly to a Gallery page where my background and
photographs of some of my recent work can be viewed. Of course I would
sincerely welcome and appreciate any comments anyone might choose to
share with me. (offline)

Thank you again to our wonderful host, Dr. Aspler, for his selfless
devotion of the time and resources necessary to provide this wonderful
forum for all of us! And, thanks to all of you for the wealth of
and knowledge that is being shared.

Peace and prosperity to all,

Michael David Sturlin / Jewelry Artist 480-941-4105 @Michael_Sturlin

Michael Sturlin Studio 8313 East Monterosa Street Scottsdale, AZ 85251