Introducing - Louise Gillingham

Name: Louise Gillingham
Email: @lgillin1
Address: 1025 Wilbur Ave San Diego CA 92109

Metalsmith, jeweler and enamelist. Studied at San Diego State
University and with many well known enamelists. Am a member of the
Enamelist Society and Enamel Guild West.

Name: Louise Gillingham
Email: @lgilin1
Address: 1025 Wilbur Ave
San Diego CA 92109

I specialize in enamels. Main focus is cloisonne jewelry , but do other
kinds of enameling.

Name: Louise Gillingham
Email: @lgillin1
Address: 1025 Wilbur Ave
San Diego CA

I am a metalsmith and enamelist. I do cloisonne jewelry and
enameled vessels and some small wall enamels.