Introducing - Lise Moody

Lise Moody
Thebarton, SA. Australia


Another newcomer to the list. I live in South Australia and I am
revisiting jewellery manufacture after a 20 years break doing “other
things”. I feel like there is so much to catch up on, slowly teaching
myself many things, attempting mokume gane and enamelling in the
dark. Hoping that this list is able to help when necessary.


Hello, Good for you with the new work and all. The biggest thing
about Mokumegane [?] is to be patient… it will be Slow and
labourous, but take that extra moment to really go slow and not freak
your metals out and it’ll be beautiful! A fabulous enamelling book,
it’s a bit old and therefore no color pics, is by Margaret Seeler.
She does/did a lot of eccleastical work, but it’s all
solid theory. Good Luck! -Angela =]