Introducing - Dottie Lynn Wood

Name: Dottie Lynn Wood
Email: @dwood
Address: 926 WEstmont Drive, Houston, Texas 77015-4302

I have been studying metalsmithing and enameling for 4 years at
the Houston Museum of Fine Art’s School “Glassell School of
Art”, and will be attending University of Houston for further
metalsmithing studies. I handle the calendar for our Houston
Metal Arts Guild newsletter and try to keep all members apprised
of juried exhibitions and workshops. I have my own studio and
try to spend at least 4 days a week in the studio. Personals:
married with grown children, 2 golden retrievers, 1 cat, 1
homebuilt airplane (my husband and I both are pilots), we sail,
kayak, raft, bicycle as much as 100 miles a day, occasionally,and
generally try to stay healthy.