Introducing -

Hi all, As if I didn’t have enough going on making jewelry (including a
piece for the Spectrum Awards) and doing shows (getting ready for the big
Denver show!), I’m now managing a new internet auction site, AuctionWinner is 100% free to use, and now ready to be

AuctionWinner has just undergone a big upgrade and because my main
interest is in rocks/gems/jewelry, we’ve made some very specialized
categories in those areas. If you have suggestions for other new areas,
there’s a request area on AuctionWinner. My intention is to provide the
specialized service and response that the big auctions like ebay are
unable or refuse to do.

In short, is now ready for new posts, and I think you’ll
be pleased with the special categories we’ve set up for you! Registration
is free and takes only a moment. Then you’ll be ready to post your items
for sale! Remember, AuctionWinner is free.

Point your browser at I think you’ll be
pleased with what you see. If you have any questions or comments, please
email me at

Karen in temporarily rain-free Boulder, CO,