We are two jewelery students from Quebec City, Canada. We already
write you a e-mail about workshop training but it was our mistake;
we meant internship instead.
So, this time, we write you because we would like to make our
internship in a workshop near West Covina. We are finishing our
professional training,1800 hrs in May and we need to gain a real
market experience within a workshop. We have learned enough to be
able to makes repairs and create jewelry. We could send you some
pictures of creations we made during our training, so you can
evaluate our skills and see what we have learnt.
We would like our training to start halfway through April and to end
by May 18-21 (approximately 3 weeks). Note that we don’t require any
salary. If you are interested in two good students willing to work
with you, please contact us by email at @Joelle_Durand . We
would really appreciate your help and we thank you for your time…
Joelle Durand
Serge Levesque