Insurance for jewelry studio on home property

Any suggestions for insurance for home studio not attached to the home? The shed structure is covered by homeowners but looking to cover equipment and material theft if it got broken into. Also coverage for damage customers property like breaking stone etc and generally liability The studio will not have customers coming to it and I do mostly online sales. Any good company with decent rates for this? I am based in the US

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Kelli, Try Jewelers Mutual


I use The Hartford


Thanks for the tips!

I was able to get a rider on my homeowners insurance. My situation is different because I don’t have in person customers… Only sell online. Based on the questions they asked when I added the rider I believe it would have been possible to get insurance for walk in customers too. Also I am the only one who works in the studio. I don’t sell bench time. Hope this will give you an alternative to explore.

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My home insurance broker was very helpful. I have the same set up as you, and have the occasional customer or student. My broker just added some extra provisions to cover the cost of equipment and materials in case of theft and some liability. Seems it isn’t a big deal as long as it isn’t in the house.

Thanks! That’s what I ended up doing is going with my home insurance broker. Took her a bit get someone to do it since it wasn’t commercial but covers what yours does as well. It wasn’t too expensive either.

I just happen to read the fine print in my homeowners policy last week, as it was coming up for renewal. What I read was terrifying. It says they do not cover any structure in which business is conducted. Period. It goes on to say that regardless of anything else, they do not cover any structure in which gaseous or liquid fuels are stored. My insurance broker has always know that I run my industrial design consulting firm from my house, and I have a rider for incidental business coverage. That rider is useless. I’m not a jeweler, but I have a torch for making models (and the occasional piece of jewelry). I’ve had this policy for over 20 years. Don’t rely on your insurance agent. Read the policy carefully. I’m scrambling now to get this resolved.

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