Photo C. Even ebony isn't strong enough to contain fine silver as it work hardens, when you are trying to spread it into a swallow tail groove.
I looked at picture and I think I am beginning to understand the
problem. Let me assure that ebony is strong enough. Among some
African tribes ebony was used as material for making execution
swords. In skilled hands, ebony sword can behead with one stroke, so
there is plenty of strength.
My first question would be about the source of ebony. If you use
ready made pieces, it may not be the ideal situation. If wood is sawn
at high speed, with large saws, I can guaranty that upper layer is
damaged and not suitable for inlay. That is one potential problem.
Another is tapping wire into the groove is not that simple. There is
much more technique that simple word “tapping” implies. At that point
I suggest getting some face to face instructions. Some things simply
has to shown. There is a limit to descriptive explanation.
Successful inlay depends on technique, design, and materials. None is
more important than the other.
Leonid Surpin