Industrial Suppliers

Someone mentioned a website for Mcmaster. I would highly recommend
it. My husband used to be a purchasing agent for a small
manufacturing company and he brought home a McMaster catalog. I
have bought many great tools and supplies from them over the years,
including very tiny titanium coated drill bits which work great and
don’t wear out.

Grace S, Cleveland

HI Gang,

My husband used to be a purchasing agent for a small manufacturing
company and he brought home a McMaster catalog.  I have bought many
great tools and supplies from them over the years, including very
tiny titanium coated drill bits which work great and don't wear

Another great industrial supply company to look is MSC
( They’ve got locations in several parts of the US &
ship anywhere. Their hardcopy catalog is about 4500 pages (the index
is 94 pages). It’s also available on CD. If the catalog doesn’t list
an item, many times their suppliers have it & they’ll have it drop
shipped to you.
