Hydraulic press survey courses in London and Birmingham

Hello all,

I will be teaching a five-day intensive survey course on the 20-ton
hydraulic press and tooling from July 12th to the 16th at the Sir
John Cass Department of Art Media and Design at London Metropolitan
University. There are still spaces available. Contact Alan Craxford
[craxford@lgu.ac.uk] for further about enrollment. I
believe there is housing available at the school student
accomodations at an extremely reasonable rate.

If you are curious about what the press might do for you and your
studio, visit http://www.bonnydoonengineering.com and look at the
gallery and at the many photos posted to the discussion group.
Additional fascinating applications, including short animations and
videos of press processes appear on Phil Poirier’s site at

This class is a terrific opportunity to play with the entire range
of tooling and see how the various techniques work together.
Learning this material in a class setting really enhances the
experience because you benefit from the insights and discoveries of
everyone and you’ll get a strong sense of how easy it is to tailor
these tools to suit your individual creative voice.

For those Orchidians in the midlands and north, Cynthia Eid is
teaching a five day course in Birmingham. from June 28-July 2. I do
not have the specific details of the content or the status of
enrollment, but you can probably find out more by contacting the
University of Central England in Birmingham [www.uce.ac.uk].
Cynthia is an excellent teacher whose wonderful work you can view at

I will be in the London area from the 11th to the 20th of July and
would love to hear from the UK Orchidians about things I should go
see, particularly shows or exhibits, nifty galleries, and tool
dealers [used tools are a big favorite of mine]. I hope to meet some
of you in my class!

Anne Hollerbach