Dr. Hauman: I just wanted to check on something: I sent in mail to the list, but not as "replies" to a thread of ongoing conversation. One was sent on April 9 and one on April 11. Today is the 13th of April, and I have not seen either one on Orchid. I'd like to know if I did something wrong, or if you had some objection to what I wrote. Please let me know. I am a great appreciator of Orchid, and would like to contribute, as well as lurk! Thank you, Ruth Shapiro
Well, I suspect that it has much more to do with my end than
A fair question really, and being in the business of brokering
I will now attempt to justify the delays in posting
your messages.
I am pleased to say that the Orchid suscribers list now contains
more than 2,000 members. Currently, the average number of postings
per day ranges between 40 to 50. Thus, our server Email buster
handles around 100,000 outgoing Email messages a day from Orchid
alone. The Email clearing time depends, to some extant, upon the
traffic load and the overall conditions out on the Internet for the
given day.
Our biggest issue with getting your postings out to the list
members is the fact that I MUST read everything that comes in
before it gets sent back out to the list. Now, the reason I go
through all this is to spare you all from having to suffer noise,
junk mail, spams, repeated signature files, ect… I filter the
would be spaming, format each of the postings, and generally do what
I can to make the list content as clean and readable as possible. I
also try to make sure that the subject line refelects the message
Generally, I try to forward your postings twice a day - at around
6:00 AM and mid-night (Bangkok time). In my opinion, the list
moderation process is really necessary to insure the quality of
material going out to the list members. I hope that you will all
agree that Orchid is a great place to be and an excellent avenue
through which to settle your questions.
Should any of you experience specific problems in getting your
daily dose of Orchid, feel free to contact me
Dr. E. Aspler
Managing Director
Ganoksin Jewelry Co.,Ltd
Webmaster Ganoksin Online
ICQ # 864 5224