Rio Grande sells two small ultrasonic cleaners that they suggest
recommending to customers for at-home use. The “Mini” with 600ml
capacity and the “Digital” with 1400ml capacity are shown along with
more conventional shop cleaners in the Spring News and Product
My question regards whether these two small cleaners are truly
ultrasonics or if they only vibrate a bit.
I’ve been asked to recommend small at-home cleaners but my
experience with several has shown them to be not much more than a
convenient soaking receptacle.
I would really appreciate any input on these specific items or
recommendations of any effective small units.
Thanks, Orchid. Rock on!
Pam Chott
Pam Your initial gut feeling is correct. The cheap ones usually end
up being costly as now you have to buy another one ( which you
should have begun with).
They are good for almost nothing. The Transducers, Heaters and Timers
are the guts of your Ultrasonic. The rest is all shell.
These items alone make up the bulk of cost and rest is all labor.
The Chinese can save you on labor but they tend to use cheap parts.
I would not buy anything that cost less than $200.
As anything less expensive is questionable.
Crest makes a good ultrasonic cleaner in Malaysia and has a good
market review.
L&R, Gem Oro, Sonic4, Otto Sonic, Health sonic, Branson, Sonicor
are other US Brands.
Elma is a German manufacturer now priced out of the market due to
Dollar rate.
Kenneth Singh
46 Jewelry Supply, Inc
Rio Grande sells two small ultrasonic cleaners that they suggest
recommending to customers for at-home use.
Dear all,
I hope you don’t mind me chiming in here. I’ve had bad experiences
with “low cost ultrasonics” myself so I was very skeptical till I
personally tested these units. They work great for small
applications or home use, as a matter of fact the one I tested
cleaned all of the rouge compound very quickly on a white & yellow
gold overlay gift I made. I was impressed. Now that being said, I
would still have a more industrial model for my studio, one with
heat, but for home or intermittent use, theses are great. And yes
they are true ultrasonics.
We demonstrated these at CIM this year so if anyone out there with
an unbiased opinion tested these I would appreciate your feedback as
Thanks for humoring me.
Thackeray Taylor
Rio Grande Technical Support