Herkimer Diamonds

Does anyone know whether Herkimer Diamonds can be drilled and made
into beads? How fragile are they? Would diamond drills work? Any
would be appreciated. Thanks Sandra B.

Sandra, “Herkimer Diamonds” are simply doubly terminated quartz
crystals. They were amed after the location “Herkimer” where they
were found. They will stand up to anything that you can do to other
quartz, ie citrine , amethyst etc. .But , a great number of
inclusions in a stone of any type will weaken the crystallographic
structure and leave them more susceptible to damage. The cleaner the
stone is inside, the better it will stand up to drilling, mounting
etc. Donna

    Does anyone know whether Herkimer Diamonds can be drilled and
made into beads?  How fragile are they?  Would diamond drills work?
 Any would be appreciated.  Thanks Sandra B. 

‘Herkimer’ Diamonds are not diamonds. They are quartz crystals. The
name is just a marketing thing to fool people into beleiving they
are some ‘type’ of diamond. Here is the link to the mines site.
http://www.herkimerdiamond.com/ ]

Ken Kotoski
MPG Repair

SURE I don’t see why not. They are quartz. Try the diamond drill and
keep it all wet. Hope this helps john lewis http://www.jjlewisjewelry.com

Herkimer diamonds are equant quartz crystals of exceptional clarity
only found in Herkimer County, New York state. As quartz has
virtually no cleavage it would be fine to drill them. Lots of water
needed though and steady even pressure.

Renate in Adelaide, South Australia