Handmade Adjustable Ring Shanks

Hi all, I would love to know a good length for an adjustable ring shank like the one pictured (artist - Artur Jarosz)

I have reached out to Artur and am still awaiting a response, however I thought it would be great to get feedback from others as well!

It seems like such a great idea as some of my clients have different ring sizes in summer vs winter (me included!)

Look forward to getting some feedback!



Just by eyeballing this image it appears the ‘extra’, that which overlaps the solderjoint to be about 1/6th of the length. For a recent commission, a long distance design of a ring, I made three rings, each 1/2 size larger and smaller than our long distance measure. Each of those rings with a 1/2 size difference required about 1 maybe two centimeters. So depending on width of band and size of knuckles and contrasting thinner fingers I’m thinking the one pictured would have a very broad range of possible sizes. Hope that helps, and I’ll follow this to see what other ideas and experience folx have. TX


I am old enough to remember adjustable rings that you might get from a gumball machine. A lot of rings start out that way until they are sized. Just make one out of copper or brass and figure out what looks right. I offer a bit of caution. While this method of construction may serve the purpose that you want to serve, you won’t find it on nicer finished pieces. There could be a safety issue with it as the ring could be easily crushed into the wearer’s finger. It might also be easier to get off if that were the case. Doing a lot of resizing will harden the metal and it may eventually break. Good luck…Rob


Thanks so much for your input! Yes I am thinking perhaps a ring with only 3 sizes might be a better option actually…

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Thank you for your input! I agree, the aesthetic of adjustable rings is a bit clunky and doesn’t lend itself to fine jewelry. And I see your point with moving the metal back and fourth it may eventually break. A few things to consider if I go down that path.

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I have been making more adjustable rings lately in the tradition of the Mid-Century Modernist silver rings. Many of the rings from Europe and North America throughout the 20th Century were adjustable of one style or another. I think if they are well made they might become popular again.


Can you post samples or direct me to an online resource of examples? Thanks…Rob

If you go to Rubylane.com or Etsy and search Modernist adjustable ring you will see a variety of examples.

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Wow, I just spent way too long browsing on Ruby Lane! Thanks for the recommendation, there were lots of great examples on there and lots of vintage pieces I now want to buy :see_no_evil::sweat_smile::heart_eyes:

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An absolute rabbit hole. Welcome to the club.

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While I enjoy fine jewelry, I’m relieved to see adjustables being offered. For those of us with knuckles a bit bigger, most rings end up turning despite numerous solutions on the market. Even a quarter ring size difference makes some rings wearable.

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True! There is a list of pro’s for going down the adjustable path that’s for sure.