Hi there I still use sulpheric acid and then washing soda to neutralise
then dip in water to rinse. I have 3 small jars on my bench and dip the
objects in with tweezers and don’t have any more trouble with my skin. Tidy
bench I like a place for everything files are on a rack as are pliers I
always put the tools back and can file sand etc without having to even look
for the tools. Funny thing though my bench is usually a mess about every 6
months I will have a major tidy and re varnish my bench. My brother is
worse he has stuff piled all around him on the floor. Another friend has
his bench so tidy you wonder if he ever does any work. I would worry more
if that was the case.
All the best Gerald.
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Free thousand dollar opal competition ends 30th April 1997