Gold and Rhodium Platers in Oz

Hi to all Oz participants I am still searching for a good gold and
rhodium plater after much having enormous problems getting the one I
have been using tocomprehend deadlines. I am resigned to thefact that
I willhave to send the work to Sydney or Melbourne but ifthey aregood
it’s worth it. Is there anyonewho does nickel plating (under the
gold) with with a matt/semi matt finish rather than bright polish
’additive’ that is normally used. I don’t want my work to look
tumbled when it is plated! Any info would be most appreciated.

Many thanks
Christel van der Laan

Hi Christel, I am very happy with Allan J. Olsen Pty Ltd. in South
Aust. ph. 08 82973582. The finish depends on your finish when you
give it to them. Talk to Jeff Olsen, he’s always helpful, Cheers, Christine.