Gerry's Setting essays!

Hi everyone, everywhere!

During this month of September (still not finished yet) I’ve written 6 new essays into my setting blog.

The topics are;

  1. "Processes of refining metal".

  2. "Errors found in Gemstone Setting".

  3. "Errors in using ‘gravers’ while cutting".

  4. "Filing claws ‘after’ diamond setting".

  5. "How to prepare & create a “Cut-Down” pattern". (most recent addition)

All of these together have a total of 52 pages of setting notes!! With an additional fact, there are now 496 pages in total pages given to YOU! All since April 19th.

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Wow, busy guy! Do you have a link to your blog?

Thanks again Gerry, you’re the best!

Hi Billy

Here is my blog that you wanted, I only now have 63 essays on file. If you print out all of them you will have well over 700 pages of notes. Have fun reading and learning a few things…:>)

Hey Gerry. Not sure if the link posted?

Billy Prendergast

Let’s try this again! Watch out for the spelling in my link.

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There it is! Thank you!