Any about laser cutting devices and how can i have more
details on gemstones (rough or recutting) lasercutter?
many thanks,
Any about laser cutting devices and how can i have more
details on gemstones (rough or recutting) lasercutter?
many thanks,
Nobody that I know of is facetting using a laser beam to do the cutting.
Diamonds are being cut into pieces using a laser, but not facetted using a
laser beam. I knew of a person in Arizona that was using a laser to cut
images into the surface of a stone. He could carve the whole state of
Arizona, mountains, canyons, and plains. The problem was each stone cost
more to produce than the market would pay.
New machines are being developed to aid in accurately cutting concaved
grooves in stones. This is called concaved facetting. Concaved grooves
change the whole look of the stone. When they are accurately cut into the
stone and polished to a mirror the effect is multiple shimmers of light
throughout the stone.
I will have the largest display of concaved stones of anyone in Tucson
this year. We work in materials no one else would tackle in more than one
stone. Sapphires, tourmalines, beryls, quartz, carvings, etc. Please come
visit us at the Scottish Rites Center. On the shuttle bus stop. Two blocks
east of the Convention Center. A five minute walk. We open at 0800AM and
close at 0600PM everyday from 29 Jan - 11 Feb, 2001. See you there.
Gerry Galarneau
Galarneau’s Gems