Gem Setting #3!

All on Orchid

I have been offered from “George Brown College” here in Toronto,
Canada the greatest opportunity and that is to teach classes in
Diamond Setting. I was requested through my resume to revamp the
outdated course curriculum, which I did. My first class in 2001
consisted of only 4 women students, the next semester shot up to 8
in total plus teaching a setting #2. My last full semester had 22
students from many jewellery daytime careers.

Now after five semesters, I found from some of my more mature
students a greater need and that is to learn one of the most
difficult aspects of setting…that is “bead setting” and along with
“rough/bright-cutting”. I approached my school two weeks ago and
presented my case…yesterday they accepted me to “trial-run” this
innovative class. In one night alone, 6 of my students have shown
great interest in my idea…now? I am offering YOU on Orchid the
opportunity to learn from this author, in an easy, casual, fun
setting what this ‘new’ course has to offer. If anyone reading this
is interested, please call the school directly at 416 - 415 - 5000,
ext. #4788 for more ask for Lynn!

Topics to be shown and with a workshop environment on Bezel Setting,
Gypsy (a.k.a. Flush) Setting, Raising of beads, Rough-cutting and
then onto to Bright-cutting with a modified “Right-Handed” Onglette
#2 graver, diamond layout and spacing for drilling.

If you wish, you may e-mail me directly to the address listed below.

Gerry, the Cyber-Setter !
North America, toll free:1-877-850-0003