Geller blue book training videos

Those who have our blue book to jewelry repair pricing had been
given audio CD’s for me to train the staff.

This past week I posted on our website new training videos. Now the
staff can view online training on the book and can watch them any
place they can get an internet connection.

So the staff can learn how to sell and price repairs without having
a book in front of them (like at home). The video has each page of
the book on the screen and I narrate it.

You can not go to our website and “find them”, they are hidden, but
here is the web address so you can your staff can be training and
make more money (they are free).

Just click and go or copy the line above and email it to your

Chapters 100-900 are online now, the remaining chapters will be
online next Tuesday.

David Geller

1 Like

Hi David,

Thanks for sharing this! Your explanations make sense and if I had
staff, you can bet I’d have them watch the videos… IN ORDER. And
I’d pay for their time to come in early to do the training. This is
like medical triage - sales staff being able to quote prices and give
explanations for the simpler repairs saves unnecessary referrals to
the benchie. Who has better things to do.

Genius! Good on you,
Judy in Kansas