Galleries in Sydney

You have to go to Dinosaur Designs. They have a store in the Strand
Arcade in downtown Sydney - near Pitt Street mall. THey also have
another store in Paddington on Oxford Street. There is also a small
gallery near the end of Oxford street, opposite side from Dino. that
had some really cool stuff. I can’t remember the name but it is on a
corner much further down the street. ANd if you want to do shopping
Oxford Street has a great mix of stuff. As well as a reputable flee
market on the weekends in a church area near Dino.

THey do the most wonderful things with resin. They are truly
amazing. Both functional homeware stuff like vases, plates, etc. but
also a whole bunch of jewelry.

I hesitate to compute the amount of money that I spent there before
I moved to SIngapore. It would only make me ill.

Makers Mark is okay. Not really cutting edge or anything, but they
do represent some interesting artists in the Aus/NZ scene.

Have fun. It’s a great town.


Hi Beth, Quadrivium, object and makers mark are the places to go, but
there is also ‘gallery onefivesix’, which is a fantastic little
contemporary jewellery gallery at 156 Commonwealth Street, Surry
Hills. A must for your itinierary- as is a visit is Pyrmont Studios,
3-5 Scott Street Pyrmont, it is run by the jewellers and metalsmiths
group of NSW. They have a great website too, so you can get in touch
before you come over- if memory serves the web address is: Gallery VC is still open, but I’m not sure
if they still have much in the way of jewellery? Have a great time in

    A must for your itinierary- as is a visit is Pyrmont Studios,
3-5 Scott Street Pyrmont, it is run by the jewellers and
metalsmiths group of NSW. 

I highly recommend Pyrmont too. It’s a group jewellery workshop
where several merging jeweller operate from, and they run masterclass
workshops ther as well as a little gallery.

Gallery VC had jewellery! It had mine and many others from New
Zealand! It was a NZ gallery cosisting of (I believe) NZ fine craft
that ventured into Australia but sadly did not do very well. Their
main gallery is in Queenstown NZ.


B r i a n A d a m
e y e g l a s s e s j e w e l l e r y