(Fwd) Wax-Glue gun

Forwarded Message FollowsFrom: jones@perigee.net (Bob Jones)
To: “Orchid Digest” service@ganoksin.com
Subject: Wax-Glue gun
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 03:27:41 -0500

I just tapped into the thread about making a wax gun out of a glue gun
and a good old fashioned rheostat/dimmer switch. Question–what kind
of wax would fit into that little hole in the back of the glue gun?
Wouldn’t you have to buy wax especially for that (kind of like for the
real wax guns)?? Would you arrive at the correct voltage basically by
trial and error? What about rigging something with the tip to give
wax extrusions of a particular cross section?

The rheostat idea will work. I use it on little dremel flexshaft
setup. If anybody in internetland has any ideas, respond!

Marshall T. Jones


Gesswein, et al make a red wax (generally used to build wax trees that fits

Electrical … no problem so far… remember the GLUE Gun was made for
110 as well, so things are much the same… going for a WAX PEN next… have
one made by ??? but has problems … sure WE!!! can do better.


At 03:35 PM 10/31/96 +7, you wrote:

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