Fusing fine silver


I am developing a new line of enameled beads and instead of
using IT solder. I am fusing the beads together. In my
experimentation am finding out that certain gauge metals, size
of bead and soldering tip work better together to fuse. Can
anyone give me an idea of what their findings have been in
fusing beads or hollow objects in fine silver. Or does anyone
know of any books that might help me. I am working with beads
from 11 mm to 40 mm. My questions follow:

  1. What color should I look for when heating the bead to
    determine when fusion takes place?

  2. What does the fuse look like when I have done it correctly.
    I have been getting a melted look on the seam of the fuse which
    I need to sand?

  3. What gauge metals work best in fusing?

  4. What size soldering tip works best according to size and
    gauge of metal…I use a Meco Midget torch.

Did I miss anything? Any ideas or suggestions would help cut
down my trial and error curve…thanking everyone in advance for
all the great help.


Linda Crawford
Linda Crawford Designs, Willits, CA, USA