Dear Orchidians,
I have followed the many flux-oriented threads for a while and
finally asked Chris Hentz if I could post this recipe. I took a 5-day
soldering workshop with him last year (at the Mendocino Art Center)
and the following is from my notes:
One of the reasons this flux is ‘fabulous’ is because it gives you a
longer working time. Chris said it’s okay to pass around this recipe,
but to please credit the inventors when you do so. The “F” is for
Fred Fenster, who modified John Prip’s original recipe. [I think the
‘Fabulous’ may also be for Chris, who tweaked it–he has a fabulous
sense of humor and is an incredibly warm, wonderful, and caring
The recipe for the flux is:
50 grams dry Cascade (the green box)
120 grams boric acid
80 grams Borax ("20 mule team" laundry soap)
(Be sure to keep this ratio)
Mix it dry, and WELL, in e.g. a large mayo jar. Then mix about 2
tbs. in a cup of water, in a good sized glass container, and
microwave CAREFULLY (i.e. don’t let it boil over).
Chris said the Cascade gives it a bit of an etch. No flourides, no
oxides, cheap, good visibility at joint, activates at 350 F, stays
active to 1900+. Quench in water first, to avoid fumes–not
Of course, he told us a thousand times to be sure the metal is clean
first, but he thinks warming it with a torch is usually enough to
clean off skin oil, etc. Also,if you want to apply the flux with a
brush, be certain it doesn’t have a metal ferrule…I have 5 days
more of this kind of stuff, but I’ll stop here. If you can take a
workshop with him, I highly recommend it.
Happy fluxing,
Lisa Orlando
Aphrodite's Ornaments
Benicia, CA
(where I need to find another rental house by November 1…and then
move. Maybe this time I’ll find a place where I can actually practice
what Chris taught me!)