Free Tucson Demos

Greetings Tucson bound Orchidites,

Once again, Rio Grande is generously promoting industry education by
donating free booths for schools at the Tucson East Hilton. Thank
you Rio!

Feb. 6-9 Rio Grande’s Catalog in Motion- Education in Motion,
Tucson East Hilton, stop by Workshops at Wolf Designs and New
Approach School for Jewelers booth.

I will be demoing my new line of Precision Carvers and Wolf Wax by
Ferris at the Wolf Tools booth at Catalog in Motion.

Free Education in Motion demos by Kate Wolf and Blaine Lewis: Friday,
February 6, 2- 3:30, Wax Carving with Kate Wolf. Sunday, 11:30- 1,
Platinum Fabrication and Finishing with Blaine Lewis For a complete
schedule of all the free demos check out

Blaine and I are looking forward to seeing you at the Orchid dinner.
It’s not to late to register for this warm and wonderful event.
Thank you Sam and Pat for all your hard work!!!

Best Regards,
Kate Wolf in Portland, Maine hosting wicked good workshops.

p.s. Win a set of Wolf’s Precision Wax Carvers or an assortment of Wolf Wax
by Ferris at the silent auction.