Foredom foot control and water

Our basement, including my workshop, flooded during a huge rain
storm last night. The foot control to my Foredom was immersed in 2 to
3 inches of water, best guess. I didn’t find that we’d been flooded
until this morning, and the water had already receded. It was plugged
in at the time of immersion. I haven’t tried to use it–I’m afraid to
risk it.

Is there anything I can do to help the foot control recover from the
unexpected bath?

–Kathy Johnson
Feathered Gems Pet Motif Jewelry

   Is there anything I can do to help the foot control recover
from the unexpected bath? 

Just let it dry out. If you want, take the thing apart far enough
to reach the innards, and spray with WD-40. that stuff displaces
water on a surface, and can prevent rusting.

Leave it unplugged till it’s dry.


Hi Kathy,

    I haven't tried to use it--I'm afraid to  risk it. Is there
anything I can do to help the foot control recover from the
unexpected bath?

It probably depends on the type of foot control. There are several
types in the market place. The 2 basic types are a resistance unit &
the other is an electronic unit (used on the type ‘R’ & ‘TX’

If it was a resistance unit, just setting the unit out where it can
get warmed a little & dry out will probably be all that’s needed. If
it’s the electronic type, putting it where it can get warm & dry out
may also work. However, depending on the internal circuitry, (if
there is a printed circuit board that’s gotten enough dirt on it to
short out some component contacts you may have a problem.

The best thing to do with an electronic unit would be to see if it
can be taken apart & examined for contamination. If there is some
contamination visible, clean it off with an old toothbrush or
similar. Let the unit dry completely before reassembling it.


Hi Kathy,

I would open it up and let it dry out. Try setting it on a bench
top with a light about 3-4" away for gentle heat to help dry it.


My foot control was in a minor flood as well and I just let it dry
out and then tried it. It’s still working 14 years later!