A friend is taking some of my jewelry to a dog show in California
late next week, and there are pins in the collection, both tie tacks
and hinge-and-clasp styles. She’s planning on carrying the jewelry in
a carry-on bag. Will she have problems getting the pins through
If anyone has suggestions on the safest way to take jewelry on an
airplane, please e-mail me directly kjohnson AT featheredgems.com –
I’m over two weeks behind in reading Orchid digests with no hope of
catching up anytime soon, so I won’t get your replies if you write to
the list.
Kathy Johnson
Feathered Gems Pet Motif Jewelry
Hi Kathy,
A couple years ago someone mentioned having trouble carrying a
collection of pins on a plane so I removed all my pin stems (and put
them in my checked baggage) the next time I flew to a show. The
officials did do a hand inspection of my carry-on but they never
turned over (or even handled) any of the jewelry. I never bothered
to remove pin stems again. Has any other Orchidian had a different
experience in the last, say, year?
I fly fairly frequently to teach. When I do I usually carry on a
tupperware container full of work. Most of what I make are brooches,
many long and dagger like. I always sweat it a bit, but have never
really had a problem. I have business cards and some post cards of
work w/ me to show that I am really a jeweler.
My tools, which I always have to check, are in an old samsonite hard
shell suit case and weigh about 50 lbs. In the last 2 years I’ve had
to leave it unlocked in light of the new directives. It is searched
about 50% of the time. (TSA leaves a printed form inside and little
plastic ties on the locks.) I have never had anything go missing. I
have an inventory sheet clearly taped to the inside of the lid.
Hope this helps, andy
I had the same in 2001 right after the World Trade
Center. Took all the backs off… What a pain! Now, the inspectors
look, and say, What a pretty pin… It never made any sense to me
about the pin backs… I even get on with all my crochet hooks and
wire and crochet the whole flight. They do ask me to put all the
hooks in one bag and not all over the bottom of my purse to make it
easier for them to check. I think things have eased a bit. I wouldn’t
got to all that trouble.