Well, the great metalworking adventure is about ready to begin!
My first project is to cut some copper pipe into rings and then
turn them into fabulous works of art using various filing,
finishing, polishing, and patinating techinques. I will be doing
everything by hand, due to budget constraints and the fact that I
firmly believe that machines that allow you to work faster also
allow you to screw up faster. So without further ado, here are my
questions for the group: Does anyone have any advice on
polishing compounds, grits of sandpaper, etc? Also what progression
of grits/compounds should I use for different effects? What are
some patinating techniques I should try? Any other sage words I
should hear before beginning this little adventure?
Thank you very much for your advice and inspiration.
Geoff Webb
Advancement Services
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164
(509) 335-1867 @webbg
I saw Tim McCreight’s latest book the other day and it has a very
useful list of grits, etc. in it. The various methods are grouped
into Group 1, Group 2, etc. so that you can tell how to progress to
final polish — what paper to use first if you start with filing,
what compund to use if you have just sanded with 400 grit, etc. I
think it would be real helpful to get ahold of a copy of the book
and copy this chart. there are a few other charts in it which look
real useful, too.
Well, the great metalworking adventure is about ready to begin!
My first project is to cut some copper pipe into rings and then
turn them into fabulous works of art using various filing,
Are you a student or tutor? Is this a project you’re doing as a
learning artist, or as an educator?
B r i a n � A d a m J e w e l l e r y E y e w e a r � @Brian_Adam1 ph/fx +64 9 817 6816 NEW ZEALAND