Fine Silver Granulation Article

Hello Again: Good news! After Orchid-person Lin Lahlum wrote such a
lovely comment about the article, and reminded me that Lapidary
Journal had printed a complete article in December of '98, another
kind Orchid person- Randy-not only tracked it down so we could make
the address available to everyone, but also put it on his own web
site. What wonderful people! Thanks so much! here is the
the Lapidary Journal way to go is:
Lapidary Journal - Jewelry Making, Jewelry Arts, Gems, Beads, B&B, Minerals and More Randy’s site

I hope everyone who hasn’t heard from me yet, sees this and can get
to the I’m still available for questions! And by the
way, I’ve just started putting up some of my granulated jewelry on
my web site: – go to the page that says Gold
and Silver Granulation. It’s still in the formative stage, but I
think you can get an idea of what they look like. Thanks again
everyone Sandra