Filtration units for jewelry and silver cases

Intercept Technologies offers a unit that will remove
tarnish-producing gases from jewelry and silver cases:

I have a unit in the workshop but haven’t had a chance to test it.
The conservation department at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston uses
the unit in some of their cases containing precious metal. Intercept
also carries tarnish protection strips which I recommend.

Just another mode of tarnish defense.

Jeff Herman

Jeffrey- I’ve heard the old adage that there are certain woods that
are used for furniture and or cabinets that will tarnish silver
faster. If I recall someone once told me that Oak was a culprit.

Truth or fiction?

Jo Haemer

Interesting question. Oak contains tannic acid (as do tea and
coffee) and will react with iron to cause staining.

Al Balmer

Hello Jo,

All unpainted wood should be sealed, otherwise, they act like big
sponges absorbing then off-gassing tarnish-creating pollutants.

Jeff Herman