Ferric Nitrate source

Greetings. I want to order some Ferric Nitrate crystals for
etching silver with PNP. However, the lowest price I found so far
is $9.95 for 125 grams. . This translates to somewhat less
than 4 1/2 ounces—unless my math is way off. I figured 28.73
grams equals 1 oz.

That small amount will not go very far for the amount of etching I
need to do. Is Ferric Nitrate usually that expensive? Does anyone
have a cheaper source. I checked the archives and some one had
gotten a 5 Lb. jar from Springfield Chemical, but I have been unable
to locate them. Someone else got theirs from Bryant labs,but again,
I am unable to locate them. The Science Co. in Colorado is the one
offering 125 Grams for $9.95—the other sources I checked were
much more expensive. If you can help me with names, addresses or
phone numbers of possible sources I will appreciate it. Thanks Alma

Hi Alma,

Try Bryant Labs in Berkeley, CA 800-367-3141

This is where I get all my patination and etching chemicals. I
order Ferric Nitrate in 5lb jars. Make sure you keep the lid closed
very tight, as it will suck up water like a sponge. I throw one of
those packets of silica dessicants that I find in packages of candy.

Use one cup of ferric nitrate to three cups of water. You want the
solution to look like strong tea. Etch the same as ferric chloride.

When you are through with the solution, pour it into some kitty
litter and bag it up. Easier to recycle that way.

One tip, use DISTILLED water. Also, make sure that your silver is
VERY clean. Try to touch it only by the edges after cleaning.

Good luck!

Karen Christians
50 Guinan St.
Waltham, MA 02451
Ph: 781/891-3854
Fx: 781/891-3857
email: @Karen_Christians

Why not use the much safer Ferric Chloride to etch? The “Edinburg
Etch,” which I learned of here, calls for the addition of citric
acid to increase the bite and speed the etch. If you do a google
search on Edinburg Etch you’ll find a wealth of

Here is a very good article on the subject:


And for those new to PnP paper (Press 'n Peel) here is a wonderful
article from our ganoksin:


Elaine Luther Chicago area, Illinois, USA Metalsmith, Certified PMC
Instructor Studio 925; established 1992 @E_Luther

    Why not use the much safer Ferric Chloride to etch?  The
"Edinburg Etch," which I learned of here, calls for the addition of
citric acid to increase the bite and speed the etch. 

Elaine: I’ve used Ferric Chloride for copper but not for silver -
are you saying that with the addition of citric acid that you can
etch silver? I read the article about the Edinburg Etch and noted it
discussed Zinc, Brass, aluminum and steel, but saw no mention of
silver. Have you etched sterling using this method? And if so, how
long did it take and what did you use for the resist?



Ferric Chloride does not etch silver unless I am wrong. Thanks for
the article on etching though. Very helpful.

Karen Christians
50 Guinan St.
Waltham, MA 02451
Ph: 781/891-3854
Fx: 781/891-3857
email: @Karen_Christians

Hi, I don’t know what the system is like over there in the US, but I
have bought Ferric nitrate crystals from chemical suppliers that
supply schools with chemicals and equipment. Maybe you could ask
your local school where they get their chemicals from?

Rebecca, Liverpool

No, sorry, I haven’t tried Ferric Chloride with Citric Acid on
silver or read of anyone else doing that. For resists I’ve used the
Print Gocco screens with Rio Etch Master Resist (this is a thermal
silkscreener) and Press 'n Peel Paper.

The time on the etching depends on temperature and how deep you want
the etch. Some results in as fast as an hour.

Elaine Luther
Chicago area, Illinois, USA
Metalsmith, Certified PMC Instructor
Studio 925; established 1992

    Karen, when you stated "etch"  the same as ferric chloride did
you mean suspend the piece? If so approximately how long does it
take to get a good etch (without using a pump or magnetic table). 
Also in an earlier post you gave 2 cups of water  to 1 cup of

ferric chloride as the idea solution.

Thank you. Stephane in sunny San Francisco