[Favorite tips] Take-In

Never place more than one piece of jewelry in an envelope. If the
customer brings in multiple items for repair, use a separate envelope
for each article. Then complete descriptions and instructions of
each piece can be recorded. Later, there will be no confusion in the
shop as to what is to be done and to which piece of jewelry. Make a
notation on the envelope that this is job 1 of 2, 2 of 2, etc. Then
you can verify that all work is finished before notifying the
customer. Brad Simon CMBJ www.BWSimon.com

If a customer comes in to pick-up their jewelry, and leaves another
item for repair, use a new envelope for the new job. Do not cross
out the instructions on the original envelope and write in new
instructions next to it. It does not allow you to record an
adequate description of the new piece of jewelry. Reusing an
envelope eliminates the record of the original repair for your
permanent file. This also causes confusion in the shop, possibly
resulting in the wrong repairs being performed. Brad Simon CMBJ