Experience with Missouri Show

I have been invited to show at the Best of Missouri Market at the
Botanical Gardens in St. Louis in October. Has anyone done this
show? If so, can you tell me about your experience? I don’t do many
shows and this one is expensive so I’d like to get some information
from artists who may have participated or attended in the past.
Anything you can tell me, good or bad, is appreciated.

Tammy Kirks
Red Bee Designs.

In my opinion, it is not always about how much you sell at a show in
your home area, but how much exposure you get. How many names will
you get on your mailing list while there, how many people will ask
for your business card, that kind of thing. It’s advertising. Name
recognition is a bonus for future endeavors within your community.
The Best of Missouri Hands at the Botanical Garden is very well
attended and they usually don’t have a huge number of vendors, so
your exposure would be good. All of that said, it’s really only
relevant if you live in the immediate St. Louis vicinity. It will be
interesting to see what others who have actually participated will
have to say. I am not a member of BOMH so I can’t tell you if you
will make money. I would guess, in that environment, the quantity of
sales would have a lot to do with your price point.
