[Exhibition] Rocio Heredia

Orchid Friends,

Our long time Orchid member, and extraordinary Metal Artist, Rocio
Heredia, is being honored by an Exhibition in Monterey at the El
Blanqueo Museo Industrial. The Exhibition will be there for one
month, and I for one, hope to get to see it.

Hanuman asked if I could get an English translation for Orchid, any
takers? My Spanish is not adequate.

Rocio deserves this recognition, she is an exquisite Artist, and
wonderful friend.


Mayor of Santa Catarina Nuevo Leon
Secretariate of Education, Culture and Health
Culture Department


“Rocio Heredia Heart of Metal”

Her particular way of seeing, the product of a distinctive
optical composition, has not created an obstacle for her. Rather
it has literally given her an exceptional focus, impossible to
replicate, that those who view her work can only perceive as a
distinct language, magical light, which informs her metal and
paper creations. Thanks to this character, which rests on the
strength of metal, her raw material, Heredia transforms any
obstacle into an energizing act of significant learning. 

Dr. Marjorie Ross, Poet and Writer
President, Association of Costa Rican Women Writers (ACE)

Thursday July 10 8:30 pm
July 10 to August 10 2008
Industrial Museum El Blanqueo
Monteblanco # 325 Col. Montenegro
Santa Catarina, Nuevo Len

Translated by Claire Ramsey