Excellent supplier has new name

I’ve recommended Earthstone several times in the past, as suppliers
of really beautifully finished and reasonably priced stone beads.
There was a lot of confusion because there was a west-coast company
of the same name, with much the same stock (run by a relative, I
understand), but they were not the ones whose booth I always visit
at shows. “My” Earthstone has recently moved and renamed itself,
thereby eliminating the confusion. They are now Wonder Sources, at
48 W 38th St., New York 10018, phone 212-563-4990, 888-999-0478.
They have a web presence, not yet a site, but the pictures will give
you an idea of the quality of their wares: www.wondersources.com I
still recommend that you go see their materials in person if you
can - they will probably be at the International Gem show in
Marlboro MA (in November, I think, but it doesn’t seem to be listed
in the Lapidary Journal website) because you’ll be pleased and

I have no connection with this company - I just love their stuff and
want to keep seeing them at shows.


    "My" Earthstone has recently moved and renamed itself, thereby
eliminating the confusion. They are now Wonder Sources, at 48 W
38th St., New York 10018, phone 212-563-4990, 888-999-0478. They
have a web presence, not yet a site, but the pictures will give
you an idea of the quality of their wares:

Thank you for the and link. The home page is enticing!
I’ll be eager to see the follow up site.

Do you know if they have a catalog?
Pam Chott

Do you know if they have a catalog? 

Not that I’ve ever seen. However, if you look at the website for
the “other” Earthstone, you’ll get a pretty good idea of the kinds
of things they carry regularly.
