I’ve recommended Earthstone several times in the past, as suppliers
of really beautifully finished and reasonably priced stone beads.
There was a lot of confusion because there was a west-coast company
of the same name, with much the same stock (run by a relative, I
understand), but they were not the ones whose booth I always visit
at shows. “My” Earthstone has recently moved and renamed itself,
thereby eliminating the confusion. They are now Wonder Sources, at
48 W 38th St., New York 10018, phone 212-563-4990, 888-999-0478.
They have a web presence, not yet a site, but the pictures will give
you an idea of the quality of their wares: www.wondersources.com I
still recommend that you go see their materials in person if you
can - they will probably be at the International Gem show in
Marlboro MA (in November, I think, but it doesn’t seem to be listed
in the Lapidary Journal website) because you’ll be pleased and
I have no connection with this company - I just love their stuff and
want to keep seeing them at shows.