I just wanted to mention that at least 10 (maybe more) members of
Orchid attended the bi-annual enameling conference in Gatlinburg TN
this month.
Charles Lewton Brain did several of the most popular sessions there
and I bought one of his demo pieces at the auction.
If you enamel and are not a member you might want to consider
joining. The conferences are a great opportunity to learn technical
and business skills from some of the most skilled enamelists around.
In this very welcoming and casual environment I: had breakfast with
one of the lifetime achievment winners lunch with Woodrow Carpenter
(owner of Thompson Enamel). Dinner with Bill Hellwig(developer of
unleaded enamels and master enamelist) Took a great etching/enameling
class with Coral Shaffer. Had Joan Schlaifer of Schlaifers Enameling
supplies in the class with me. Ate other various meals with some
rather well known enamelists and got the groundwork going to form a
midwest enameling guild focused on Milwaukee/Chicago area. Had a
chance to see many enameling supplies and tools I had never seen
before. Was stunned by the technical finishes on the work of the
Japanese contingent.
This is the short list, when you join you also get "Glass on Metal"
the magazine of the Enamelist Society. Just thought I would let you
know what was available.
Karen in Northern Illinois who has nothing to do with the society
other than be a member