Most of my favorits enameling books are out of print, but can be
found at local libraries in the US or through an interlibrary loan.
Top of my list is Margaret Seeler’s The Art of Enameling, next is Fred
Balll’s Experimental Techniques in Enameling, then Oppi Untracht’s
Enameling on Metal, any books by Edward Winter, Kenneth Bates,
Geoffrey Clarke and Herbert Mayron. For those readers who enjoy a
sense of history with their text, may I suggest Benvenuto Cellini’s
Treatise on Goldsmithing and Sculpture, Alexander Fisher’s The Art of
Enameling Upon Metal, H.H. Cunynghame’s Art Enameling on Metal, De Re
Metallica by Georgius Agricola and Vannoccio Biringuccio’s
Pirrotecnia. I know that Dover Press has been printing some of the
historical texts, but I am not sure of what is available in
bookstores. How-to books in print that are great are Jink McGrath’s,
Glennice Matthews, Felicia Liban’s and Coral Schaffer (of Enamelworks
in Seattle.) I just bought Erika Speel’s Dictionary of Enamelling, but
that’s more of a history of enameling that a technical guide. Also
look into Glass on Metal Magazine, available through Thompson Enamels,
they have some great articles. If you are in the NYC area, please come
by the Newark Museum for the Enamel Guild Northeast Conference April
7, 8 and 9. Call Lois Grebe at (973) 239- 9042 or Liz Hill at (212)
477- 9193 for more or contact the Newark Museum itself.