Hi all I have just received a supply of enamels from a UK supplier.
One colour was a Schauer enamel. The supplier is Milton Bridge Ceramic
Colours Ltd. Unit 9, Trent Bridge Trading Park, Hanley,Stoke on Trent.
ST1 3NA Phone 01782 274229 Fax 01782 281591. Web site www.miltonbridge.mcmail.com E-Mail miltonbridge@mcmail.com I hope this
is of help.
I have just started trying to enamel using very primitive equipment.
Blow torch and fire bricks, and I am trawling the orchid e-mails for
nuggets of which are helping. All the best to all
orchadians. dave. ps this is not a jewellery question but what is
flaming and am i doing it now? I would hate to be removed from this
wonderful discussion list. dave
Hi there! I paid a visit to Tevel at Allcraft (212) 279- 7077 to buy
some tools and he told me that many of the Schauer colors are made by
Latham Enamels in the UK. I’m not sure of the direct contact info for
Latham, but if you talk to Tevel, I’m positive that he will be more
than happy to help out. Your friend may also want to check out enamel
sources in Russia that produce gorgeous colors. Juliet Gamarci PS-
talk to Tevel about his incoming stock of 2" dividers, they’re
Tevel at Allcraft helped me set up my workshop here in Key West, Fl.
I found him the most helpful and kindest of guys - even phoning me on
a Sunday afternoon from his home to make sure that orders went through
on time. He saved me money, made sensible recommendations and was
altogether one of the good guys.