Electroforming organic objects

Do you have any video instructions on electroforming organic
objects. (leaves, flowers, pine cones, etc.)

Do you have any video instructions on electroforming organic
objects. (leaves, flowers, pine cones, etc.) 

I don’t have any video instructions, but just did some of these a
few months ago. You do need to make sure that your organic item is
sealed with polyurethane. I dipped my items 2-3 times (over 2-3 days,
allowing dry time between each coat) and then painted on the copper
and put it into the bath. They worked great.

Sandra Graves

Dana - The electroforming is the last stage in the process and the
piece that you want to electroform should be in it’s final appearance
before doing the plating. If you want a hollow form at the end, you
should have it hollow before it goes into the plating bath.

Sandra Graves