Eastern Federation of Mineralogical & Lapidary Societies

The Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies also
holds two week-long sessions at the Wildacres Retreat in Little
Switzerland, NC, usually in May and Sept. Actual dates will be
available in December. The cost this year was $260 per person which
includes all room and board and instruction. Supplies are extra, but
all equipment and tools are provided. Classes offered may include
faceting, cabochon making, chainmaking, mineral id, photography,
wire wrapping, silversmithing, micromounting, Precious Metal Clay
and soapstone carving. We have been going since 1991 and always have
a great time and learn a lot.

amfed.org - click on eastern then on wildacres

contact me directly if you have questions.

cathy gaber