[Documentary] The Pursuit of purple gold jewelry

The Pursuit Of Purple Gold Jewelry-35 minute documentary, including
open source method, alloys and CAD files


It’s been a while since I have had a chance to post, just been
lurking and reading. But I have to share something. Remember The
Kraftwerks Invitational held at the Fine Gold refinery in Ontario
California? Kraftwerks is back this time as an online video gallery.
Our premiere video is The Pursuit Of Purple Gold Jewelry. The new
Kraftwerks Invitational video gallery is at YouTube. Since the video
is long, we also split it into 4 chapters for easy viewing and
streaming. Also available (on request) on physical media- Blue Ray
Disc and flash drive. Available in Quick Time, WMV and Android Kindle
Fire HD+ file formats. Thanks for watching-Daniel Ballard-Director of
The Kraftwerks Invitational.

Purple gold hast been made before with succes.

Dr. Ing Manfrid Dreher made it happen and Designer Martin
Furstenberg went for the challenge as one can see in the Gold and
watch magazine edition 6.96 page 45 It is knowen as “amethystgold”

Next to that, the next company is specialized in making purple gold
jewelry. http://www.ganoksin.com/gnkurl/ep80v3

The credit go’s the the ones who deserved it if one like to play it

Purple gold is not new to the jewelry industry.

Still, it is a nice jewel which is made by the company who is
presenting this video.

It’s for sure not an easy task to make it happen.



Quite right, I’m far from the first to cast it. I named a couple
names in the interview. And anyone who does work in the metal will be
more than welcome to being added to the list at we flesh out the blog
and follow up content. It went from trul impossible, to barely
possible, to workable today as technology and skills advanced. My
whole effort is to broaden and mainstream this exotic gold.

With some help from our community of custom jewelers and casters- I
am trying to do is take this metal from terribly rare, to merely
reasonably exclusive. I hope to put this gold in the reach of
whomever would like to that has the capacity. then teach enough trade
casters who have the right machine to produce it as a service. I
don’t think anyone has tried to open source it like this before.

I hope to expand the number of companies offering this color. And i
am not selling the alloy or the gold.