
I was looking at some older jewelry tools that are marked Dixon.USA.
I remember the company but can’t seem to find them listed anywhere.
Does anyone know what has happened to the company and where I can
find on some of their tools? Thank you,

Eileen DelDuca

The William Dixon Company can be reached at:

	Grobet File Company Inc.
	750 Washington Avenue
	Carlstadt,  NJ 07072-3088

	TEL: (800) 847-4188    (201) 939-6700
	FAX: (800) 243-2432    (201) 939-5067

Richard Lucas
Lucas Dental Company
(800) 332-5573

Dixon is a part of Grobet File. the Dixon brand was/is marketed to
the dental trade for as long as I can remember (1956-to date) . As I
have kind of distanced myself from the dental consumable( wheels,
tools , buffs, and felt cones and wheels) market I am sure that your
local dental supplier can help you with the Dixon line of merchandise.

Mike & Dale
Lone Star Tech. Svcs. The ultrasonic cleaner repair guys.
“If you don’t need us today, we’ll be here tomorrow”.

Dear Eileen, I found an address in the back of Tim McCreight’s “The
Complete Metalsmith” that might be the company you are looking for:
William Dixon Co. 750 Washington Avenue, Carlstadt, NJ 07072 phone:

I have some Dixon stamping tools and stakes that were purchased
through Frei & Borel in Oakland CA 1(800) 772-3456.

Good luck
Marta Irvin

I believe that Dixon was bought out by Grobet years ago. Dixon made
fine tools.


Dear Ms. DelLuca, Dixon is now:

GROBET FILE CO. OF AMERICA 750 Washington Ave. Carlstadt, NJ 07072
Tel: 201-939-6700 & 800-962-7242 Fax: 201-939-5067 & 800-847-4188

Michael Knight
F.E. Knight, Inc.
E-mail: FEKnight@ziplink.net