Disposing of old stock

Greeting Orchidians

Just a quick post to let you know that I appreciate your replies to
my question of May 16 asking your opinions of disposing of old stock,
and to offer my heartfelt thanks for the great I was able
to glean out of the posts. I am still in the process of deciding what
could be scrapped, saved for casting, or saved as sizing stock, but
am also finding that starting things at cost on ebay is getting
results, not spectacular results, but at least moving out some of
this old stock at better prices than a refiner would give, especially
for the 10K stuff. It is going to be a longer process than I thought
originally to recoup some of the investment, but at least I have
better ideas now. I contacted a couple of those “liquidators”, but
y’all were right…they are more interested in using my business as a
base to sell their merchandise than in taking mine out. I talked to a
couple of the refiners at JCK a couple weeks ago, and am still
debating if the value is there for some of the stock I have.

In response to Greg, I am sorry that I have nothing there from
pre-1960, that stock actually did sell when I gave the store regular
business hours and put in a couple of newspaper ads to draw people
into what they always thought was the closed jewelry store in town!!!
Guess I was wrong about what people want, as I imagine we all are
when what we considered junk sells first for the most (But that also
explains the jewelry channel which I have in the background as I type
this). (I say that because I had a customer come by a few days ago
with something he bought on HSN for 200 bucks, and needed sized…the
stones and metals might have value, but definitely the workmanship is
far below par to what I think a professional would do…and made my
inner voice say once again “you get what you pay for”).

Gotta run now, I signed a lease on a building on the main street
here in Hastings, and we get the keys next week, so have tons of work
to do so that I can get the most out of the opportunity to give the
public a clear definition between the “old” and the “new” business
and the merchandise mix we intend to carry…re-locating the store
will only allow one chance to get the best image out there and get
the return customers. The posts that mentioned the "flea-market"
image I sure don’t want really sunk in, and I truly appreciate that
advice and will heed it as best as I can.

Again, thank you all for replying to my post, and for all of the
great y’all share through Orchid!!

Best Regards,

Tim Dwornick
Hastings, NE