Digital zoom

This is a delicious suggestion of Anne Hollerbach, bless her smart
head. She postulates that those of us that do intensely detailed
miniature work develop an ability to cognitively enlarge our work,
i.e. the neurological equivalent of a digital (as opposed to
optical) zoom.

Our physical optical system even with magnification has limits. The
hypothesis is that people who habitually work in the miniature
facilitate growth somewhere in the central nervous system (along the
visual system) that allow us to better interpret the visual
coming form our imperfect eyes. When I work on a piece
it looks monumental to me. I know that people that don’t do this
kind of work don’t see the detail that I do even with magnification.
I, on the other hand, do not see all the nuances that my
photographer friends sees in the viewfinder of a camera.

Now, another couple of hypotheses occur to me. One is that I have
memorized the feature of the piece so well that I can “see” it
better (but is this different than digital zoom?). Another is that
there is a propiocetive loop that is developed. The facility that is
improved with use is hand- eye feedback. I know that I feel the
surface as well as see it (but is this different than digital

A fun thing to contemplate. I’m sure this will kick up a storm, so,
I think I’ll duck out now.

Sumner, Hello again, Remember Rocio, her fingers “see” her work. She
more follows a mental image with her extraordinarily sensitive
fingertips, rather than “seeing” her work.

I do believe Anne has a point, as you do also. Terrie